Finding Your Voice

Tri-Valley member B. Lynn Goodwin, author of the just released book, You Want Me To Do WHAT: Journaling for Caregivers, believes voice is the key to carving our unique paths as writers. “Who will tell your story if you do not?” Goodwin asks, quoting poet and playwright Pat Schneider. The importance of voice can’t be overstated. Editors frequently cite “voice” as the element that puts a manuscript over the top. In her journey as a caregiver for her mother, Goodwin deepened her own understanding of voice, and through her new book, empowers other writers to discover and share theirs.

LynnGoodwinA long time freelance writer and popular workshop leader, Goodwin is the founder and publisher of Writer Advice,, an online newsletter packed with guidance, insights, and marketing opportunities for writers. An advocate and mentor for aspiring authors, Goodwin honed her skills judging writing contests, and spun a challenging life experience into a book with voice as its heart. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear what this gifted author has to say!