I was assigned as historian for our Tri-Valley Branch of the California Writers Club. I wondered just how old one had to be to be named “historian” but figured they knew what they were doing. My uncertainty was mollified when I read the job description. The duties were described as “maintaining the archive of documents, programs, licenses, and related materials for a historical record of the club’s activities over time.” A board member assured me there’d be a lot of “wiggle room” for creative input, and that appealed to me.
I reviewed the materials already housed in the one-inch binder. It contained the CWC history, charter, and bylaws. That section was followed by various awards and proclamations received. After that were records of several board meetings as well as copies of our branch’s newsletters, publicity announcements, and meeting highlights.
I thought about the “wiggle room” she’d mentioned, and my brain started storming. Very soon, the monster came to life. It’s a nice monster, though, one whose pages document our membership growth, our events, and our achievements, both individual and as a writers’ club. The one-inch file has now morphed into a heavy 3