I read an article that said to be a successful writer I should never let anything interfere with my writing time, not even a simple load of laundry. My first reaction was that my family would head off to work in their birthday suits if I followed that advice. After some reflection (and a load of laundry), I realized the advice is sound. To be successful, I need to dedicate myself to my craft. After more reflection, I decided to ignore that sound advice. For me, success is a complicated issue.
The brutal reality of any creative profession is that you will not be remembered forever even if your work does find a wide audience. Quick, name the author of the Wizard of Oz series (the Harry Potter of its day) – extra points if you can name the color of Dorothy’s slippers in the book.
My legacy will include my publications, but it will also include what I did for my family, my friends, my community. If I am ever fortunate enough to earn a living from writing, perhaps I will rent office space where laundry, dirty dishes and supper plans can be ignored for a few hours. Until then, my writing will have to share time with my life – and I can live with that.
I hope writers will set aside their manuscripts long enough to tell me the original color of Dorothy’s shoes (not red, I know). I’ll watch the website while you write…or finish your laundry.