Beyond Google: Better Fact Finding for Fiction Writers

Geri Spieler is an internet research guru. She is the author of Taking Aim at the President: The Remarkable Story of the Woman who Shot Gerald Ford. This book has won four awards including the Smart-Writ Best Non-fiction award at the 2010 Mensa Annual Conference. She has written for the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, and Forbes and has been a journalist and investigative reporter. As the research director at Gartner Group, she has advised major corporations and published 150 research notes on emerging technology.

Spieler says “Never underestimate your reader. Accurate fiction does not release a novelist from fact. Inaccurate details will sink a book into the chasm of sloppy writing and lazy work habits. Learn the skills for fast, accurate and reliable Internet search techniques that boost your book out of the slush pile.”

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