A hovercraft, also known as an air-cushion vehicle (ACV), can travel over any terrain. You name it-dirt, water, mud, ice, water-it can hover in a stationary or mobile position. These hybrid vessels are operated by a pilot, not a captain like a marine vessel. An ACV functions by creating a cushion of high-pressure air between the hull of the vessel and the surface below (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovercrafts).
Enter a new style hovercraft. I am the DIY pilot. I touch my computer mouse or scroll across the touchpad to create an ACV far superior to the standard Hovercraft. My Cybercraft travels over land and sea, floating like a kite in the spring breeze or propelled like a space ship to the intended destination. There I gather information for my NanNoWriMo novel or my blog and website. I can participate in webinars, take online college classes, review side effects of medicines, pay bills, purchase merchandise, and manage innumerable other services.
The best feature? I can pilot my one-person craft to a Cybermall without searching for a parking space.