I can’t put off the holidays anymore. National Novel Writing Month is over, the Thanksgiving leftovers are gone, and my family is asking about the holiday baking. My daily to-do lists take up multiple pages.
My manuscript sits on the edge of the desk, waiting for revisions. I made good progress over the last month, but there is more to accomplish. I could ask my family to give me the gift of time this year– time to write, time to think– but I know what will happen. The phone will ring, the timer for the cookies will ding, a decision only I can make will be required. It’s what happens in December.
The helpful articles about combining life and writing are useless at this time of year. I’ve trained the family to do laundry, cook dinner, even clean the house for guests when I’m at the computer. What I have yet to do is train myself to say no to all those wonderful things that only happen once a year. I don’t get any sympathy when I complain about my crowded calendar since I put every single thing on it myself.
So, once again I will greet December with a grimace, then a smile. Once again I’ll count my blessings whenever I put my fingers to keyboard. Once again I’ll vow this will be the last year I overload my schedule.
For now, I need to stop writing and find my gingerbread cookie recipe.