Websites. We create them, nurture them, and sometimes want to kill them when something doesn’t work. I was trying to post a California Writers Club “Authors Spotlight” date to my website Events page, but the stupid site kept dropping the date. I tried everything I could think of, but the date just wouldn’t post. I finally gave up and called the dreaded Help Desk. (I hate Tech Support.)
“Please let him speak English,” I whispered to myself while the phone rang. A cheery voice greeted me belonging to Laura in Arizona, the most terrific tech support person I’ve ever encountered. After several attempts, she skillfully resolved the issue. Then I mentioned another problem I had uploading an image to one of my pages. I’d uploaded others successfully but this one just wouldn’t. Laura and I tried several times to capture it but to no avail. Finally, she gave me her e-mail address so I could send her the image to work on locally.
While she scanned my site, she gasped, “Oh, my God!” You wrote Healing through Humor? I was going through some difficult times and someone gave me your book as a gift. It helped me so much! I can’t believe I’m talking to you!”
I thanked her profusely and ended the call, saying I’d give her a super rating on the customer satisfaction survey for the web site host.
After completing and transmitting the survey data, I also e-mailed these survey comments to her: “Laura was beyond wonderful! She stayed with me while I struggled to correct the problems. She patiently answered my questions and resolved every issue. She’s creative and talented, and I think you should give her a raise! You’re so lucky to have her!”
Within minutes, Laura e-mailed back saying, “Thank you so incredibly much for your kind words! Thank you for your book as well! You’ve definitely touched my life. E-mail me anytime you have questions with anything at all! I’d love to help you. Have a wonderful night!”
I love Tech Support!