I self published a second quilting science fiction novel, When Chenille Is Not Enough, with coauthor Ann Anastasio. We were offered a free ad in the program for the Studio Art Quilt Associates conference in April. Since quilters are our target audience, we jumped at the opportunity. We didn’t read the fine print, however, which stipulated the size of the ad (small).
I found myself on a deadline with the wrong skill set, trying to think like an ad exec and create the most impact with the fewest words. In desperation, I typed “Once again, quilters save the world from space aliens– this time with ice cream.” Ann thought the ad was great, the editor of the program was pleased (whether because she liked the copy or because I made deadline is a question I preferred not to ask), and I went on to the next task.
Then I needed copy for the postcard we created as part of our publicity materials. I stared at a blank screen, deadline approaching. “Self,” I said, “don’t reinvent the wheel.” I used the same tagline on the postcard, and in the short description for our Smashwords page. “Self,” I said, “maybe this is your elevator pitch.”
Thank heavens for critique partners, who showed me the truth–this is my promotion gimmick! I’m not sure how, but sometime soon I’m going to have an ice cream party for the book. I might even do traveling parties for my friends brave enough to open their homes to me.
I’m thinking of sewing a chenille ice cream cone as a visual aid. Yes, it’s silly, but it’s also attention getting, and that’s what counts.