Well-known authors—mostly dead—push to the front, vying for mention in my quote challenge blogs.
Either write things worth the reading,
Or do things worth the writing.
―Benjamin Franklin
I’m trying, Ben, but you forgot to publish the DIY how-to section.
The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes.”
―Agatha Christie
Sorry, Ms. Christie, but California is in its fourth year of drought. Until El Niño arrives, I’m using paper plates. The trip out to the green waste receptacle is too short to do more than wonder if I scheduled my next blog post.
“Don’t get it right – get it WRITTEN!”
―Lee Child
Thanks, Lee. I know more about Jack Reacher than real-life people because you took your own advice and published twenty novels with him as the protagonist. Reacher even has short stories to keep me posted on his activities between hardcover books.
I’ve published a couple of nonfiction books and dozens of short stories, but my first mystery manuscript is old enough to go to kindergarten. Why haven’t I followed Lee Child’s advice and published it?
“I’d rather edit manuscripts written by others than my own.”
―Violet Carr Moore
This post first appeared in Violet’s Vibes, a blog about writing with a humorous touch.