For writers, November is the season of Thanksgiving and NaNoWriMo. I usually think of these events separately, but this year I’m putting them together. Not that I’m doing NaNo, but I always use the month to consider my writing goals (and, by extension, my writing schedule). This year, what with the pandemic sorta kinda maybe easing I thought of planning my writing future. That led to a few too many nights hitting my special secret chocolate cache, but eventually I found some clarity. I realized I would like to look at my writing career without regrets. That means accepting that my financial and critical success is a little out of my hands, but my success producing stories is entirely under my control. Regardless of the rejection slips or the number of followers on my blog or the sales of my books, as long as I keep writing I’ll be able to call myself a writer. Who I am is up to me, and I choose to be a writer. For that realization, I’m very thankful.