No, I don’t mean odds. The odds are against me would be a cliché, not an acceptable title for a modern blogger. See, there it is again—the OG in blogger—a person who writes a blog. That would be me as I hurl this post into the blogosphere (another OG) where blogs reside.
Add a single letter to the beginning of OG and bog, cog, dog, fog, hog, jog, log, and tog appear. Add a second letter in random sequence to form blog, clog, smog, and vlog. Vlog? Yes, vlog. This twenty-first century word describes a blog that features videos, not words. When a vlogger posts a series of videos, they escape the blogosphere of journal reflections and soar into the vlogosphere of motion images.
These new online OGs are enough to make George Herpin, the nineteenth-century stamp collector who introduced the word philately, turn over in his grave (cliché intended). The phrase “Original Gum” (abbreviated OG), the test for authenticity of collectible postage stamps to assess for mint condition values, marches to a new cadence.
Will blogs become the next collectibles? As long as the French and Greek combo phil + atéleia (freedom from charges to the recipients) endures, I’ll take that chance and embed my footprints in the blogosphere.