Writing and Networking, March 15, 2025

Join us for a free drop-in writing session,  meet-and-greet,  and informal discussion of all things.

There will be plenty of time to socialize, as well as prompts for writing. Current board members will be available to answer questions about the future of the branch.

While there is no fee for the meeting, we would like to know how many people to expect, so please register at treasurer@trivalleywriters.org by Wednesday, March 12.

Attendees are welcome to bring their own water and snacks as TVW won’t be providing them at this meeting. 

January 18, 2025: Winterfest

Join us for a free drop-in writing session, meet-and-greet, and informal discussion on Saturday, January 18, 2025. This month Tri-Valley Writers  celebrates with Winterfest! What is Winterfest, you ask? It’s a time dedicated to celebrating US! The event will start at our regular time, 2:00 pm; at our regular place, room 2470 on Las Positas College campus, but will be so much more. We’ll have food and beverages, social time, a goal-setting exercise, a gift basket give-away, and plenty of time for members to read excerpts from pieces published or given awards in the past year. If you would like to participate in our own Tr-Valley Writers open mic, email Lani Longshore at: secretary@trivalleywriters.org – or email Jordan Bernal at: president@trivalleywriters.org or Patricia Boyle at: vp@trivalleywriters.org.

Although the meeting is free, TVW would like to know who plans to attend so we can ensure enough food and drink. Please email your RSVP to Daniela at treasurer@trivalleywriters.org by Wednesday, January 15, 2025.

TVW 2021-2024 HSWC Anthology Publication

Tri-Valley Writers is pleased to announce the publication of the 2021-2024 high school writing contest winners’anthology, My Story, My Vision 2021-2024, on November 12, 2024. The anthology is offered at the low price of $6.00, with any proceeds going toward the next TVW high school writing contest. The book is available for purchase on Amazon at the following link: https://a.co/d/0bMB8sC

November 16, 2024: Writing Short Stories

Join us for a free drop-in writing session, meet-and-greet, and informal discussion of all things. This month Tri-Valley Writers is exploring writing short stories. Participants will first tackle flash fiction, with writing prompts designed to create a high impact short story of no more than 100 words. Later, participants will experiment with a traditional length based on themes of family, holiday drama, gratitude, or betrayal.

There will be plenty of time to socialize. Current board members will be available to answer questions about the future of the branch.

While there is no fee for the meeting, we would like to know how many people to expect, so please register at treasurer@trivalleywriters.org by Wednesday, November 13.

Attendees are welcome to bring their own water and snacks as TVW won’t be providing them at this meeting.

California Writers Week, October 19, 2024

This month we will be celebrating California Writer’s Week with a program focused on noteworthy writers from our beautiful state of California. One essential tool for writers is the writer’s bio. This succinct and impactful statement will be our focus this month, as we craft our own author’s bio statements. It is often difficult to sing our own praises as we describe our own work, so come join in as we explore how to craft the perfect statement. Let’s celebrate the amazing authors in our own club as we deepen our friendships and support each other in our writing pursuits.

There will be plenty of time to socialize, as well as current board members available to answer questions about the future of the branch.

While there is no fee for the meeting, we would like to know how many people to expect, so please register at treasurer@trivalleywriters.org by Wednesday, October 16.

Attendees are welcome to bring their own water and snacks as TVW won’t be providing them at this meeting.

2024: A Time to Write, A Time to Talk

Join us for a free drop-in writing session,  meet-and-greet,  and informal discussion of all things.

There will be plenty of time to socialize, as well as prompts for writing, and a little ice-breaker art project. Current board members will be available to answer questions about the future of the branch.

While there is no fee for the meeting, we would like to know how many people to expect, so please register at treasurer@trivalleywriters.org by Wednesday, September 18.

Attendees are welcome to bring their own water and snacks as TVW  won’t be providing them at this meeting.

Member Publication

CWC’s Vision & Verse: A Fusion of Art, Photography, Prose and Poetry is now available on Amazon. The following TVW members have pieces published in this stunningly beautiful anthology: Monique Rardin Richardson for her artwork, “One With Nature;” Rose Owens for “Theft of Time,” “Abandoned,” and “Going Fast;” and Pamela Pan for “Waiting.”

Member Publication

CWC’s Best of the Best: 2024 Literary Review, a collection of poems and stories selected from 20 CWC branch publications, is now available on Amazon. The following TVW members have pieces published in this 300+ page collection: Jordan Bernal for her poem, “Writing at Zero Dark Thirty;” Shannon Brown for her prose, “A Cheese Sandwich on Main Street;” Kate McCarroll Moore for her poem, “Nature Doesn’t Seem to Know or Care;” and Violet Carr Moore for her prose, “Search and Rescue.”
Best of the Best: 2024 Literary Review: CLub, California Writers, Apodaca, Mike, Margotta, Jenny, Tuck, Elisabeth, Zone, Richard, Krieg, Joyce: 9781735637235: Amazon.com: Books


The Board of Tri-Valley Writers has determined that with the current vacancies, the branch will no longer be able to provide all of the programs and events it has in the past. For the July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 term, members will receive:
    Access to programs and events at other CWC branches at the member rate
    A quarterly newsletter
    Continued access to Zoom links for critique meetings and other programs as available
    Pull Up a Chair and Write sessions at Inklings in Pleasanton three times per month
    Opportunities to support teen writers through the high school writing contest

Until the branch has more help, the following will be eliminated:
    Monthly speaker meetings
    Workshops with writing professionals
    Author Support
    Social Space
    Reduced capacity website, without the usual updates for Member Successes & Members’ bio pages.

If volunteers are forthcoming, programs and events may be restored, including monthly speaker meetings. We could potentially restore other programs we used to offer, such as open mic nights, an anthology of members’ writings, and workshops or conferences.

The board would like to thank all the members of Tri-Valley Writers for being part of this wonderful club, and hope you will continue to be part of the club during this time. We adapted during COVID, and we can do it again with your help.