Member Presentation

On January 25, 2023, Rose Owens gave an author presentation to three fifth grade classes at Vintage Hills Elementary School in Pleasanton, California. This was part of their Read-a-Thon program. Rose read chapter one from Stolen Years, the second book in her Maryalise Trilogy. She discussed the process of writing and Indie Publishing and answered student’s questions.

AM Larks, Author and Editor, May 20, 2023

AM Larks will present “Published! Tips and Tricks from an Indie Editor” at the Tri-Valley Writers May 20, 2023 meeting. Larks will cover tips and tricks on submitting to and publishing in blogs, journals, agents, and publishers. This lecture will include an overview of the publication processes as well as behind the scene looks at publishers and how and why that affects the submission process. Whether you are just starting or figuring out where to go next, this lecture will have something for you.

Connie Post, Poet Laureate, April 15, 2023

Connie Post will present “Finding your creativity, in the ‘Between Places’” at the Tri-Valley Writers April 15, 2023 meeting. Connie will be exploring the places to find creativity and the exploration of meaningful work in unexpected places. Specifically, these can often be found in the spaces betwixt and between. Some of this approach is explored in her new book Between Twilight, published by New York Quarterly Books. 

Jim Azevedo, Corporate Communications Manager at Draft2Digital (D2D), March 18, 2023

Jim Azevedo will present “Indie Publishing: What’s the Big Deal?” at the Tri-Valley Writers March 18, 2023 meeting. With “Read an Ebook Week” starting March 5th, now’s your chance to learn what’s so special about indie publishing. Jim will explain how the union of D2D and Smashwords created a self-publishing juggernaut overnight, legitimized the indie author movement, and ensured that even more writers will achieve their dreams of becoming published, globally distributed authors.
In the last 15 years, the book publishing industry witnessed not one, but two sea change events. The first was the democratization of the industry, circa 2008. The second was the merger of the two largest self-publishing platforms, Draft2Digital (D2D) and Smashwords, in March 2022.

Betsy Graziani Fasbinder, Author and Public Speaking Coach, February 18, 2023

Betsy Graziani Fasbinder will present “How to Be the Best Ambassador for Your Book: Pitfalls to Avoid, Practices that Pay Off” at the Tri-Valley Writers February 18, 2023 meeting. Before, during, and after publication writers are asked to talk about their projects: by potential agents and publishers, by booksellers, by potential readers, and…if they’re lucky…by the media. But while writers spend years, even decades honing their craft, they tend not to invest in preparing themselves to represent their books and projects.

Whether pitching an agent at a writers’ conference or telling Cousin Angie about your book at a backyard barbecue, the very best person to create passion for your project—from agents and editors, potential readers, fans, and even super-fans—is you. By learning a few simple (not easy) skills, you can be the best possible ambassador for your book, your ideas, and your causes. And, you can enjoy yourself doing it.

Member Success

Images from Elaine Drew’s graphic novel, A Knight’s Bad Day, will be presented by Lamorinda Arts Council at the online Wilder Gallery January 7 through February 3. Visit the gallery at Her graphic novel is set in Wessex, England, in the year 800, a period Drew loves for its romance and mystery. The story follows a brash young knight as he bites off more than he can chew. “But then, haven’t we all?” asks Drew. “The lesson here is that even a hero can fail. The important thing is not his failure, but how he turns it around.”

Member Success

John Bluck signed a contract with Wolfpack Publishing, doing business as Rough Edges Press, for a three-book deal, The Luke Ryder series. Rough Edges Press will republish John’s novel, Death in the Holler, with a new cover. Murder at NASA (tentative title) will be the second book in the series. John is writing the third book, which doesn’t have a title yet, but will be a thriller.

Member Success

Connie Hanstedt was named a finalist in the poetry category in the 2023 San Francisco Writers Conference competition. Her poem is titled, “The last time I saw my brother.”