Past Meetings

Connie Post, Poet Laureate, April 15, 2023

Connie Post will present “Finding your creativity, in the ‘Between Places’” at the Tri-Valley Writers April 15, 2023 meeting. Connie will be exploring the places to find creativity and the exploration of meaningful work in unexpected places. Specifically, these can often be found in the spaces betwixt and between. Some of this approach is explored in her new book Between Twilight, published by New York Quarterly Books. 

Jim Azevedo, Corporate Communications Manager at Draft2Digital (D2D), March 18, 2023

Jim Azevedo will present “Indie Publishing: What’s the Big Deal?” at the Tri-Valley Writers March 18, 2023 meeting. With “Read an Ebook Week” starting March 5th, now’s your chance to learn what’s so special about indie publishing. Jim will explain how the union of D2D and Smashwords created a self-publishing juggernaut overnight, legitimized the indie author movement, and ensured that even more writers will achieve their dreams of becoming published, globally distributed authors.
In the last 15 years, the book publishing industry witnessed not one, but two sea change events. The first was the democratization of the industry, circa 2008. The second was the merger of the two largest self-publishing platforms, Draft2Digital (D2D) and Smashwords, in March 2022.

Betsy Graziani Fasbinder, Author and Public Speaking Coach, February 18, 2023

Betsy Graziani Fasbinder will present “How to Be the Best Ambassador for Your Book: Pitfalls to Avoid, Practices that Pay Off” at the Tri-Valley Writers February 18, 2023 meeting. Before, during, and after publication writers are asked to talk about their projects: by potential agents and publishers, by booksellers, by potential readers, and…if they’re lucky…by the media. But while writers spend years, even decades honing their craft, they tend not to invest in preparing themselves to represent their books and projects.

Whether pitching an agent at a writers’ conference or telling Cousin Angie about your book at a backyard barbecue, the very best person to create passion for your project—from agents and editors, potential readers, fans, and even super-fans—is you. By learning a few simple (not easy) skills, you can be the best possible ambassador for your book, your ideas, and your causes. And, you can enjoy yourself doing it.

Workshop with C.S. Lakin, Novelist & Writing Coach, January 21, 2023

C.S. Lakin will present a special three-hour workshop on “Emotional Mastery for Fiction Writers” at the Tri-Valley Writers January 21, 2023 meeting. The emotional landscape of fiction is the greatest challenge for writers, yet it is perhaps the most important element because readers want to care. And they can’t care about characters unless writers effectively, evocatively, and masterfully show emotion in their characters.

In this workshop, you’ll be given techniques to help spark emotional response in your readers.

Kymberlie Ingalls, Essayist, Editor, and Author, December 17, 2022

Kymberlie Ingalls will present “Create a Relevant Marking Plan” at the Tri-Valley Writers December 17, 2022 meeting. Marketing can be overwhelming, but it takes a creative mind to bend and shape, work to stay relevant, and be inspired to think big!

In this talk, Kymberlie will discuss:
• Building a platform
• How to eliminate the noise
• Narrowing your focus
• Tackling fear and self-doubt
• Developing a fluid strategy

Kymberlie Ingalls is an award-winning essayist, editor, and author of memoir, opinion, and short fiction. Her books, Bridges: A Lifetime in Essay and 43, compile personal essay, social media, and memoir to address themes of grief, humanity, and the heart. Ms. Ingalls is a long-time member and serves on many board levels of the California Writers Club.

Jill Hedgecock, Author and Freelance Writer, November 19, 2022

Jill Hedgecock will present “Muse Boards: A Visual Writing Aid for All Genres” at the Tri-Valley Writers November 19, 2022 meeting. When distilled down to its very essence, a writer’s job is to immerse their readers in a three-dimensional world through words. Just as fine artists often find it easier to paint what they see, many writers find that prose can be inspired by viewing images. This need was the inspiration to develop the muse board tool.
A muse board is a versatile visual aid designed to create mood, assist in character development, inform book structure, and inspire descriptive text. Its versatility means it can be specialized to fit any genre. And one of its most powerful features is assisting writers in keeping details straight. This talk will describe how to make and use a muse board and the many advantages of investing the time to create one.
In this craft talk, Jill will describe:
• Different Possible Muse Board Formats
• Various Materials that Can be Used
• How to Create Your Board
• Outline Twelve Benefits of This Time-Saving Tool
• How to Use the Muse Board to Market Your Book

Glenda Carroll, Author, October 15, 2022

Glenda Carroll is the author of the Trisha Carson mysteries that are set in the San Francisco Bay area. Open water swimming is the undercurrent that runs through all the thrillers. The series includes Dead in the Water, Drop Dead Red,and Dead Code. She is currently working on the fourth Trisha Carson book, Dead to Me.  During her presentation, she’ll talk about:

How to use surroundings/location as a character

Take the journalistic approach – who, what why, where when, how

Be specific

Does the surroundings/locations reflect your protagonist’s mood/feelings

The more you look, the more you see

Kevin Fisher-Paulson, Author and SF Chronicle Columnist, September 17, 2022

Kevin Fisher-Paulson will present “The Fourth Column” at the Tri-Valley Writers Saturday, September 17, 2022 meeting. Every writer has one column in them. The trick is to be the kind of writer who has one column in them every week.

Kevin will discuss the craft of writing from the perspective of purpose and structure. Specifically, the process of writing a weekly column for a major newspaper, like the San Francisco Chronicle. His unique brand of column is the one-week memoir, warts and all. Writing is a search for meaning, and Kevin talks about how the different forms represent different means of exploring experience. He includes choices—not habits—that usher the individual through the creative door.

In his weekly column, Kevin grapples with great issues but knows that the narrative must be satisfied in 750 words. As the reputation of this column grew, he became aware of consistency, fresh perspective, and the assertive reader.

July & August 2022

Tri-Valley Writers takes a brief summer hiatus during the months of July and August. The Board of Directors will be busy planning for a terrific 2022-2023 term. Monthly meetings will resume in September. Critique groups, Social Space, Author Support Group, Pull Up a Chair and Write, and the Zoom Sit Down and Write will continue …

July & August 2022 Read More »

Jim Grayson, June 18, 2022, Great Stories—How the Pieces Fit Together

Jim Grayson will present “Great Stories—How the Pieces Fit Together” at the Tri-Valley Writers June 18, 2022 meeting. This presentation deals with the use of characters, plot, setting, and conflict and how they can combine with dialogue, inner thought, action, and reaction to bring out the best in your stories. Together, we’ll delve into an …

Jim Grayson, June 18, 2022, Great Stories—How the Pieces Fit Together Read More »