Our members are amazing people, and we recognize their achievements and contributions in multiple ways.
- The Jack London Award: This award honors a branch member whose service to the CWC and/or a branch has been exemplary. Each branch may select one award recipient biannually in odd-numbered years. The award is presented at the July annual California Writers Club meeting of statewide representatives.
- The Sue Tasker Memorial Service Award: The CWC Tri-Valley Branch created this award in 2008 to honor the memory of Sue Tasker, the founding president of the branch and volunteer extraordinaire. Sue has been described by members as “doing the work of three people.” She displayed an endless passion and drive for the Tri-Valley Branch in her two years as president and then as vice president and program chair.
- Member News: Every time our member announces a publication or wins some external recognition for their writing, we post an update on Member News. This is a regular column that appears on our front page.
- Blog: The Tri-Valley Writers Blog is an excellent way for writers to increase their network and visibility.
In Memoriam
We remember our members who have passed on here.
Keith Ahrbeck | Rasana Atreya | Ida Marie Beck | Jordan Bernal | John Bluck |
Patricia Boyle | Shannon Brown | Jeff Casalina | Paula Chinick | Brendin Christolear |
Penelope Cole | Patrick Coyle | Nathan Dessoye | Linda Drattell | Elaine Drew |
Mike Dwyer | Marilyn Dykstra | Arleen Eagling | Barbara Flores | Daniela Fritter |
Eric Funk | Lynn Gatehouse | B. Lynn Goodwin-Brown | Deborah Grossman | Brian Gunney |
Alicia Gupta | Betiel Haile | Eloise Hamann | Constance Hanstedt | Ruth Harder |
Neva Hodges | Ronnie Holland | Valerie Jonas | Julaina Kleist | Karen Knapp |
Anne Koch | G. Karl Kumfert | Joan Latham | Gary Lea | Haihong Liao |
Lani Longshore | Diane Lovitt | Judy Lussie | Carole MacLean | Maya Manoharan |
John McDonald | Coralyn McGregor | Lynne Menon | Kathleen Moore | James Morehead |
Jane Nebo | Gary Norton | Susan O’Leary | Bruce Overby | Rose Owens |
Pamela Pan | Ann Parker | Senait Piccigallo | Marie-Anne Poudret | Ginger Price |
Harriet Radford | Ann Raffetto | Monique Rardin Richardson | Susan Reid | George Reid |
Shelley Lee Riley | Jim Rowson | Julie Royce | Doug Sandelin | Cameron Shirazi |
Eunhee Soh | Eve Sprunt | Diane Stephenson | Kenn Swan | Ilana Tal |
Art Tenbrink | Linda Todd | Kathy Urban | Damon Yeargain | |
Ashley Kim | Robin Callahan | Arshia Mehta | Addie Hosier |